This article provides some tips for the writer on how to illustrate their articles. Illustrating your article can give you financial gain. It is a good way to make extra bucks. It also helps you to sell your article. Adding photographs or images is a very good idea. Now there are so many good quality digital cameras available in the market. You don’t need to be a professional photographer to get good photographs. To choose good photographs to illustrate your article follow the simple tips explained below.
The first thing you need to know is your market. Try to study the market very well. This is very important. If the magazine or newspaper to which you are sending your article does not use photographs then there is no need to send any. If you send your article along with the photograph to such places it will show the editor that you are not well aware or studied about their publications.
Try to take the same kind of photographs the publication has used in recent times. It is better not to choose differently. It is good if you can choose images that fit into the house style. Technical excellence is not that important while taking photographs. You have to just make sure that it is of good quality. Make sure that the photo is well composed and is in good focus. While taking pictures make sure that your camera is set in the highest resolution. This will help when you need to use the photograph in printed publications. Make sure that the lighting used for photography is good. If the lighting is good then the photograph will be in good focus. The best option is to take pictures in good daylight.
Keep the composition of the photograph simple. If you are going to photograph a house for a property article then just take a simple photo of the house. It is advisable not to go for different angles of the house. Be careful while sending a photograph to the publishing house. Make sure that the photograph does not contain trademark. Editor doesn’t use such photographs due to copyright issues. It is better not to use editing software to enhance the quality of your picture. Too much editing can actually ruin the quality of the photograph. If the photograph needs any editing there are experts in the publishing house. They will carry out any modification needed in the photograph.
It is always wise to send more than one photograph for the article. You can send up to four or five photographs not more than that. This will leave the editor with more choices if one photograph is not that good enough. He can choose the best from them and use it to illustrate the article. If you are sending the article by post attach the photographs along with the article. If you are using the email then send the photographs as attachment.
Magazines and newspapers sometimes pay you extra for the photographs. Photographs are an excellent source to grab the attention of the readers. So when you use one for your article choose the best to illustrate your article.