The first part of being a writer is squirreling yourself away in your little hidey hole and banging away at the keyboard. Once you are done with that, it’s feedback time!! It’s often a scary time for writers, having someone else have a look at your manuscript. But he...
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Once seen as the last resort of desperate writers, today self-publishing is seen as a high growth sector in the publishing circles. In the last five years, there has been a 287% growth in the books turned out by Read more

The Amazon Announcement Amazon’s big announcement in September created quite a splash in the world of children’s writers. Amazon launched Kindle Kids’ Book Creator, which is positioned as a true game changer for Read more

While self-publishing provided freedom to writers, it also takes away the support system of the traditional publishing systems. So, what happens to children’s ...
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As a children’s writer, one of the most fun things you will ever do in your career is book reading. Children never forget their childhood favorites, and if they have ha...
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“I read more because I have an e-reader”, says a 14 year-old girl from Georgia. She speaks for a generation of children who are turning to e-books, in an increasingly digital age. A recent report reveals that 46% of children have read an e-book (twice the number from...
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“If I waited till I felt like writing, I would never write at all.” Anne Tyler.
As much as children’s writers

There comes a time in a writer’s life, when ideas stop flowing. And the ideas that do strike are too tangled up to pen down. The creative juices simply don’t flow and all writing veers into a dead end. You are truly and completely stuck. In other words- A Writer’s Block!!!!...
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For self-publishing writers, including children’s writers, there are several platforms for marketing a book. But none work as well as a blog for ...
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Browse through the children’s section at the nearest book store or the library. You will notice that children’s book fall into distinct categories, each category having a distin...
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